About Us
I began my career in the spring of 1980. At that time I was a primarily engaged in stock making, rust bluing and stock duplication. Within a couple of years I began to do my own metal work out of sheer necessity. My intention at the beginning of this endeavor was to produce a quality firearm to the absolute best of my ability. This initial goal has never wavered.
While I have occasionally completed a shotgun or single shot rifle project the bulk of my work throughout the years has been on bolt action rifles. I feel that a complete project should be an integration of thoughtful design and thorough implementation of all aspects of the construction. To this end I have always strived to design, fabricate and improve components whenever possible. It is my intention to supply the customer with a project that is 100% completely finished and ready for the field when it is delivered.
I have had a diverse hunting career as both the hunter as well as a professional guide. This "hands on" experience has allowed me to test and evaluate my rifles as well as others under real world conditions rather than hypothetically from my workbench. I believe this time in the field has been as beneficial to my education and career as any time that I have spent with a chisel and or file in my hands.
Visiting this site will give a glimpse into what I have to offer to the hunter, rifle enthusiast and collector. After 30 years in this profession one point has been driven home to me over and over again. If you desire a rifle that will withstand a lifetime of use, consistently performs as designed and is as accurate as it is elegant, one thing becomes significantly apparent:
Simplicity Rules